Supporting Children’s Fortress In Their Aim To Restore Families & Education

Learn how StarRez has greatly empowered the Children's Fortress team to access and maintain critical data on children cases in remote locations.
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Ongoing since 2013

Children’s Fortress Africa
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Children’s Fortress Africa is a charitable organization registered in Kenya. They work with street-connected children to promote their care and protection by facilitating their access to rehabilitation, reintegration, education and resocialization to equip them for independent living.

Focusing on children and young people living on the streets of Nairobi, Children’s Fortress aims to see children restored to families, provide the care to be able to send their children to school, and give young people the opportunities and support required to overcome the challenges they face. This covers a range of activities, including family reunification, income generation, education scholarships, community libraries, sports programs, and advocacy efforts. They are working with government services, families, children, and young people to tackle issues leading to children living on the streets from all levels.
Focusing on children and young people living on the streets of Nairobi, Children’s Fortress aims to see children restored to families, provide the care to be able to send their children to school, and give young people the opportunities and support required to overcome the challenges they face. This covers a range of activities, including family reunification, income generation, education scholarships, community libraries, sports programs, and advocacy efforts. They are working with government services, families, children, and young people to tackle issues leading to children living on the streets from all levels.

Since 2014, 56 youths have graduated from high school that otherwise would not have achieved high school education. Youth in the program receive mentoring teachings and encouragement. They have reunited over 80 children back to a family and empowered the family to care for a child.

In mid 2020, over 78 talented youths in need were enrolled into school that would have otherwise missed out. That includes University, High school and Primary School.

"StarRez software has greatly empowered our team to access and maintain critical data on children cases in remote locations via their smart phones. It has also helped us greatly with the running of our community library through the resources section.
Ben Hay – Children's Fortress Africa
We are very grateful to use the excellent software and also to StarRez company for their great generosity and encouragement to our work of helping street children and children at risk in Kenya through funding of basketball court, education scholarships, and funding of our shipping container IT Lab teacher salary who teaches former street children IT skills".
Ben Hay – Children's Fortress Africa

StarRez is proud to have been supporting the charity since inception in 2013 and have contributed towards their development goals, such as construction of their onsite basketball court for former street children and funding for one of their teachers.
